Debate: Parking On Other People’s Driveways

People Parking On Your Driveway

  • The council will not remove a car parked on your driveway
  • The police will class it as a civil offence
  • It will cost you a small fortune in court
  • You may be liable for damages if the car is towed

Shockingly, over the past few years there have been reports of people parking on driveways that don’t belong to them.

Whether you’re a homeowner or renting a property you would expect this to be something unacceptable and pretty darn rude.

A logical response to this happening would be to report the offender and get the vehicle towed away but according to recent events back in 2018, it would appear that this might be a waste of time and money.

What Happens If Someone Parks On Your Drive?

Let’s imagine there is a stranger’s car parked on your driveway. It’s fully road legal, it’s taxed, it’s in date for it’s MOT and has been there for two weeks.

Your local council have no power or authority to remove a vehicle from your driveway due to it being on private land. Considering the vehicle is trespassing, you’d think the police would be able to do something about it? Wrong, the police are more likely to chalk it down to a civil offence which holds no bearing in criminal law.
What to do when someone parks on your driveway

What Can You Do About This?

Your options are very limited when dealing with this.

The only time the council will remove the vehicle is if it is abandoned. To be classified as abandoned the vehicle needs to be untaxed for at least one month and left in the same location for a long period of time.

You can’t cause any damage to the vehicle so scrap that option straight away.

Do not tow vehicles parked on your driveway

You could pay over £100 to tow the car away but this might cause damage to the vehicle where you would be liable to pay for any damages.

Police have advised in the past “Don’t damage or clamp the vehicle or have it removed by a third party for destruction or storage without first seeking legal advice.“.

The only legal way to resolve this issue would be to obtain an eviction notice from the courts however this might cost you a hefty amount of money. The court would process the order for removal which leave you with legal fees that could tally up to thousands of pounds.

How To Prevent People Parking On Your Driveway

There are a few solutions designed to help prevent this from happening:

  • Installing collapsible bollards

This could cost you hundreds, if not thousands of pounds just to prevent someone from parking on your driveway.

  • Upgrade Your Driveway

We’ve been told by a few of our readers that upgrading your driveway can often deter people from parking on their driveway.

Whilst there’s no definitive proof that is this 100%, a customer told us that they used to have a basic, block-paved driveway near a local school where parents would park on their driveway during the school runs. After countless people had parked on their drive, they decided to upgrade to a resin driveway which typically looks much more luxurious than tarmac, concrete or block paving. This customer then stated the expensive look and feel of the driveway stopped other people parking on there drastically.

Although this is just one persons’ experience, we can’t guarantee that this is 100% effective but we can understand the idea that people may be put off by parking on there simply because of how it adds value to the home which may be the defining deterrant but please take that with a pinch of salt.

  • Installing a gate

This could be costly depending on what system you would want to be installed.

  • Placing cones on your driveway

This would be very annoying to get the cones in and out every morning.

As you can see, the main ways to prevent this from happening will cost you money for something that honestly should never happen in the first place. Take our poll and let us know what you think should be done?

Let Us Know Your Thoughts

Take our poll or let us know in the comments below.


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3 years ago

OK there is one, my private road is nice and long which people think they can park there because its private road I can’t do much, I have 2 cars can I block them? Without getting in to trouble? With authorities?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roman

its not illegal to drive on/park on a private road in the UK. As long as it’s not blocking your access to your property, there’s not a lot you can do and it seems more of a territorial issue for you than an access issue to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roman

You can 100% block them in, yes, it’s your land and you can park where ever you like, and they will just have to wait till you’re ready to move out their way, because if they try and force their way out and damage your car, they’re then liable.

Martin Burns
1 month ago
Reply to  Roman

Easy remedy.
Buy a wheel clamp.
Have a notice clearly displayed, vehicles parked here without residents permission may be clamped and a £250 release fee will be required.
After 24 hours the vehicle will be removed to a safe location.
That in a clear location on the property where it can seen clearly and read easily is sufficient.
You may then clamp and police can’t do squat it’s a civil matter “trespass”. Make sure you photograph the signage and the car illegally parked with signage.
And or put up cctv.
Or permit holders only parking, no permit you will be clamped and £250 release fee must be paid.

paul bodman
4 years ago

I would buy a 1 ton bag of sand and have it placed in front of the car or build a wall in front of the car

Beena Thimas
4 years ago

It is really annoying someone parks their vehicle in my drive way without my permission.

David Fitches
4 years ago

This is unbelievable I do not buy land for others to use and inconvenience me.

4 years ago

Ridiculous that , as a homeowner i have no rights if someone decides to use my should be made a offence as tresspassing.

Tide Swell
1 year ago
Reply to  Claire

It is an offence like trespassing – in fact, it IS trespassing!

The unfortunate thing, which retards like you are incapable of comprehending, is that trespass in these circumstances in the U.K. is NOT a criminal offence, and as such the Police will not become involved.

(Aggravated trespass is a separate matter – that is criminal).

Officially you are supposed to go down the route of having it removed by civil means – trespass for centuries in the U.K. has been regarded as a civil offence.


2 months ago
Reply to  Tide Swell

There is no need to be so rude!

Helen Wall
4 years ago

Happening to me now. I think the option to provide photo evidence and then an automatic fine issued would be a great option.

Renee Morgan
4 years ago

My neighbours friend parks on my front garden…which is pretty annoying as I am having deliveries of gravel for work on my gardens so have told them if their car is damaged when it’s delivered then I have given them prior warning so its on them.

Heather Pullen
4 years ago

I feel I have total access to my property and as my drive is listed on my deeds, no one has the right to remove or fail to allow me access to my property.

Mrs L
4 years ago

I was always told someone could park outside my house because it’s on the road. However it is totally wrong for anyone to be able to park on my front drive. This is my property which has taken a lifetime to pay for, so why should any Tom ,Dick or Harry be allowed to park on it.

Mark burton
5 years ago

I think that the police should do more to stop it from happening

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark burton

They can’t even respond to burglaries half the time, they’re either too busy catching speeders or harassing people in town centres to deal with things that matter.

1 year ago
Reply to  Geoff

If the police are not too busy harassing people in the town centre, they have been known, according to the media and on TV news, to be busy raping women or their female colleagues.

Alan Fisher
10 months ago
Reply to  Mark burton

Police have absolutely no power to deal with this. If they do or attempt to get the ‘offending’ driver to remove their vehicle or threaten any action they are liable to proceedings being taken against them for abusing their authority. They are powerless to act.

4 years ago

My neighbour parks his British Gas van in front of my windows (small front gardens, so just a few feet away, completely blocking my view). It was there constantly for twenty one weeks of Covid 19 lockdown, plus two weeks before when he was away. There was space in front of his own house (and elsewhere on our road, where there is plenty of parking available), but he said he didn’t want to move the van. He doesn’t want to block his own view but is happy to block mine. Clearly some people just have no consideration for others when parking, and just plain bad manners. Since manners can’t be relied on for anything parking-related, I would support more legislation for the ‘parking on the drive’ situation, and with regard to inconsiderate parking of commercial vehicles,

Helyne McCallum
4 years ago

Appalling to think there are people so cheeky to do this. Absolutely the landowner should be able to move the car/van. If there’s reasonable damage then rough luck. Park somewhere else !

2 years ago

so far beyond cheek. it’s just vile

Steph Hamilton
3 years ago

I’ve got a neighbour who I have repeatedly asked not to allow his guests to park on my drive and low and behold still does it, even when I’m not on, and I know this because of how my dog reacts in the camera when someone pulls on the drive. It’s so frustrating because not only have I asked him nicely but the fact he continuously still does it, so I have ordered a parking post and will be putting this up. As I have seen other comments I have not worked my ass off to buy my own property to have someone use my drive without consent.

Dean Michael
3 years ago
Reply to  Steph Hamilton

Hi Steph,

Brilliant idea.

You can get basic ones for about £30 – £50 or automatic parking posts for as little as £120 (not including installation) which seems like a decent investment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steph Hamilton

I’ve asked my neighbour, politely, not to park on my drive because I can’t get access to my garage. She responds by shouting at me and getting worked up and hysterical, flapping her arms and making unfound, silly accusations! I’ve sought advice from the police (101) but they tell me she can park anywhere she likes, even on my drive. When I asked, in that case, whether I could park on her drive, they told me not to do that as doing so would make matters worse. They told me to get an asbo out against her. But I don’t think that would be wise as she would probably get someone else to park on my drive – also I’ve been told if phone the police I’ll get my property vandalised!🤢

Ed Morris
3 years ago

I’m wondering what it is the police actually do these days . The only solution I can think of is find out where the owner lives ( follow it ) and leave a car in their driveway .

kate Hyde Cooper
4 years ago

Hey I would Like people to stop parkin in my drive way as it causes me alarm and disstress & Its not acceptable behaviour and also I want people to stop I am sick of telling idiotic people

1 year ago

Join the queue, Kate!😢

4 years ago

Why is a taxi firm parking in my driving way and it seems allowed to do as such , yet I’m not allowed to damage his car ? I have now complained to Taxi firm 3 times , why can’t the Police do more instead of getting out of it surely Trespass is someone on my property uninvited and it’s clear it’s my private driveway and no he,s not collecting me but others near by. I ain’t finished yet, if he cant be done on trespassing , what about harassment as he keeps doing it.

Joseph Farrugia
4 years ago

Absolute disgrace you can not have the vehicle removed without paying!

I have a scooter parked in my front garden, with no tax since October 2019. What can I do?

2 years ago

if the tax is unpaid than it’s abandoned and you can have it removed

2 years ago

if someone parks on my drive, could i build a wall behind the vehicle and block them in?

Dean Michael
2 years ago
Reply to  Wayne

Hi Wayne,

As far as I know, that shouldn’t be an issue because you would be building the wall on your own property.

It might be less hassle to install one of those telescopic bollards onto your driveway as they can be locked when you aren’t in or using the driveway.

Ed Morris
3 years ago

They are too busy sleeping with other people’s wives , well they are above the law 🤣

2 years ago

Once again, the law is against decent law-abiding people and is on the side of the offenders. A friend of my next-door neighbour parks his car on my drive. He crashed it into my garage door and I had to get the door replaced. I’ve told him not to park there again but he continues to do so. It’s very stressful. The solution is not rocket science. We should be able to report the vehicle to the police. They could come out, take a photo, and issue a parking ticket: problem solved, decent folk rescued, offender punished, more income for HMRC.

3 years ago

Should be against the law. I have had to park my car around the corner because somebody has parked on my driveway and already been there for two hours. Nobody can help. It is crazy. It seems to me to encourage these people as they know you cannot do anything about it. There should be some sort of consequence

Eli Richardson
5 years ago

I’m glad you indicated that a vehicle illegally parking in a residential property could be towed. Someone keeps parking his pick-up in my driveway several times. I will call a towing service to remove it next time it blocks my driveway. 

3 years ago

This happened to me many times before. Many options, buy an old heap with couple months tax, block them in for 2 months! Tow them into middle of road, report obstruction. Some expense in involved but, put up a fence with a single gate, required offending car to be HOISTED out at their expense. Other ways best not mentioned here. Law is NOT on our work around it..

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve

I’ve been told by the police that you can park a car on private property even if it has no tax or insurance and the police can’t do anything about it!

Mr Taylor
4 years ago

I think it’s rude when they can clearly see it’s a private drive yet they still park there I have had it on numerous occasions

Steven Martin
2 years ago

Neither the Police or Local Council are interested as strangely it is considered a Civil matter of Tresspass and not illegal. It’s time me the law was changed.

2 years ago

This should be a source of embarrassment on an international scale. Utter madness you’ve no domain over your private drive. I wonder, if you put up a ‘free car destruction service, park here’ you can make the choice ‘assumption of risk’ that they chose to park where car destruction was clearly advertised. and then not be liable for damage.

Lee Crosby
2 years ago

My idiot of a neighbor from across the road is parking outside of my house instead of on his drive way just to be awkward as we had a row leaving myself ad my wife struggling to park. Can I park on his drive while he is outside my house to prove a point??

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee Crosby

According to the police, it would only make things worse. You could try getting an asbo out against them for antisocial behaviour, but then you might get a brick thrown through your window some dark night.

3 years ago

Onus is on owner to maintain his/her private land. Thousands of pounds are paid to own a property to enjoy its privacy and not for privilege of someone using it as their private free parking. Then where are you going to park your own car.
How and whom can we petition to get the law which infringes on your rights to be changed.

Sheena Lowe
5 years ago

This is unacceptable had this trouble in my son’s road luckily the police moved all the cars away from the road except the residents. I got told once that residents should be banned from using their driveways at school early mornings and afternoons

2 years ago

I would remove there number plates and go for a ride with them through the dartford crossing a good few times then maybe a couple of speed cameras followed by some trips to the spy camera carpark. Then back home to put the number plates back where they belong.
Smug mode😊

4 years ago

Awesome post! Keep up the great work!

Robin Stokes
5 years ago

Well, I have done exactly this & I thought it was all “above board”. I joined a parking website to enable me to rent a drive space in another town where parking for a week would be difficult; I booked & parked up & as I was about to leave a car pulled up & the driver said “That’s my drive what are you doing?” I explained & he was ok about it but I ended up parking elsewhere. Not sure what he would have done if he hadn’t seen me. Seems there are people scamming these parking websites & renting out drives that don’t belong to them. It would have been a pain if he had let my tyres down or something. Would have made moving my van a problem.

2 years ago

I have bought a house in a little coldysack parking is limited and some houses have driveways and im planing on getting my drive way done. I believe the council and police should have every right to remove vehicles from private properties that do not reside there take the vehicles to the pound to be collected and make the owners pay to have there car back that should be there punishment there for the owners pay for the removal of there vehicle and to get it back.
Its shocking as home owners dont have rights on there property baffles me .

Tide Swell
1 year ago
Reply to  Victoria

English not your strong point, is it Victoria? Your post was painful to read. You do not appear to know the meaning of “their” and “there.”
Oh, and the proper term is “cul-de-sac.”

2 months ago
Reply to  Tide Swell

So rude. English may not be a person’s first language! Do better.

5 years ago

Absolutly ludicrous idea. Build extra levels on existing car parks a less costly option! I would be moving any car that blocks the entrance to a driveway belonging to me. As on any parking board it states parking is at owners risk!!!!

1 year ago

My neighbour and her daughter park their cars regularly on my driveway (even though there are at least 3 or 4 empty spaces right next to my drive). They do it just to annoy me as my wife and I are in our seventies and like to keep to ourselves). I phoned the police on101 for some advice about this matter. I didn’t give any names, neither my neighbours’ nor mine. I was informed that if the road at the back of my property, where my drive is, is private (which it is), there’s nothing the police can do about it. In fact, if the mentioned car/cars had no road tax or insurance while parked on a private road, the police said they could do nothing about it. I then said to the police that my neighbours have their own drive to park on. I was then informed that my neighbours could park anywhere they liked. I then asked the police, in that case, can I park my car on their drive? To which I was told “No!”, that would only make matters worse! I then asked the police that if the situation were reversed and my neighbour phoned you and said I was parking on her drive and started crying would you send a police officer round to tell me to move my car? The police sidestepped that question and then told to me apply for an ASBO against the said neighbours for antisocial behaviour. However, I don’t want to go down that road as I am worried about retaliation. (I’ve been told by a neighbour that if, around where I live, you go to the police, you get your property vandalised!) I’ve tried politely talking to my neighbour but she gets hysterical, starts flapping her arms and shouting at me and making false accusations, saying another neighbour said that if he parks his works van one inch on my drive, I run down my garden path telling him to get away or I’ll call the police. As it happened, the guy she was talking about was standing about twenty feet away. I called him over and asked him whether he had said what she had said and he said he hadn’t. I then asked him what she was on about. He said he had no idea! In other words, she was lying. At that point, she disappeared back onto her own property. Since that encounter, I just keep out of her and her daughter’s way as it is too distressing for me and a waste of time trying to reason with them – and one big headache for me and my wife!

1 year ago

install spikes infront of all tires. If they drive off damage has been done by them.

1 year ago

Hi there. Collapsible, lockable bollards do not cost thousands of pounds. You can buy some very good ones available on Amazon and other retailers from £40.

Justice Served
1 year ago

Jack up the car, move it in to the road and call the police – obstructing the highway is an offence

2 years ago

My neighbour and I have a shared drive and since we got our drive done they’ve been causing so much hassle that they were harassing my elderly mum and I despite asking them or speaking to them. Getting their kids involved and cause her family live next door they park they parade of cars there too. Having reported to the police on many occasions as they were legally blocking the access to the highway at many a times other just parking obstructively making it extremely difficult to get in and out it’s pointless. Ended up going to remediation which was pointless as well this country and the police are useless. They allow for certain behaviour and if anything encourage it. The police that would come wouldn’t even know what the neighbours can and can’t do so how can they help. I believe in karma though so for everything they’ve done to my elderly mum they will get what’s coming to them and more. I don’t normally wish and anyone but these people deserve everything they get.

2 years ago

On the flip side, if there should be an unfortunate slashing of their tyres and a few screwdriver marks running down the side, it would legally be on THEM to prove that it was you who damaged it. If you catch my drift…

2 years ago

A girl parked in my yard and walked to the river behind my property. She had permission to park but was asked to move vehicle cause we were mowing grass. A rock hit her back window and broke it. Who is at fault ?

2 years ago

In a so called civilised and democratic society we think it not important to prevent people imposing on your property. What’s the point of owning property when others can just pull up and leave their vehicles on your property. Diabolical.

3 years ago

It is beyond me why this isn’t illegal. There seems to be no law that actually protects the victims only the perpetrators. But then thats the same for all laws bloody ridiculous. We have a charity in a residential area which we pay business rates for each of our parking bays but some residents think its their extended parking places.

4 years ago

I rent a room, with which a parking space on the drive is given but not in the contract.

I have been using said space for over a year. Now having dispute with estate agent regarding other matters, now he’s telling me to remove my car with 24hours notice. I’ve told him to call the police and we can discuss this and the rest of his behaviour then. Any advice? I know its not the same as a stranger parking on your driveway but its similar. I think I’m covered from him getting help moving my car point of view.

Mk7 Crew
4 years ago
Reply to  Abc

Based off this article and others I’ve researched, they can’t do a thing.

Anyone can park in that space and they are legally not allowed to move it.

If they did, you could claim damage from whoever moved the vehicle.

I’d recommend putting together evidence on how/when the parking space was given to you.

Todd Pierson
2 years ago
Reply to  Mk7 Crew

Ciderblock wall All the way around their car would be pretty cheap and hilarious to watch the reaction of the owner of the vehicle try to figure out how to get their vehicle Out of its trap

1 year ago

Can I use a forklift or similar with soft sided arms (so as not to cause any damage) to
A) Lift the vehicle up/off my driveway and then charge a reinstatement fee or
B) Move it off the driveway an inform the fuzz of road obstruction

2 years ago

Cheapest option is to put up a sign explaining the parking charges and that parking the car there signifies acceptance of the contract. £100 a day should either stop it or make some money off it. chain across the entrance with a padlock only you have the key for and when they want to leave they have to pay – if they damage the chain/lock then criminal damage charges.

Fireman Sam
2 years ago

I would set it on fire and call the fire brigade, and say was spontaneous combustion

1 year ago
Reply to  Fireman Sam

A definite no, no! Don’t even think about it!

2 years ago

Install a bollard, fence or brick wall to prevent the car leaving. If they damage your property it would be criminal damage. Charge a fee to cover the costs you incurred.

2 years ago

Would it be legal to block them in with a skip, so long as the skip isn’t obstructing the road or path. Use the skip, and have the car owner pay for removal of said skip?
I’d be able to park else where, I wouldn’t care how long it took. I’d be considering them arranging removal too this can be a 2+ hour window. If they aren’t there, then another skip will be delivered.

Would this be legal? They’d sure as hell learn my driveway is my driveway.

2 years ago

Surely the simple answer is just to put up a clear sign, explaining what the parking charges are. £100 per minute sounds about right to me.