LED Headlights – The FAQs & Facts!

We sell thousands of aftermarket LED bulbs all year round.

We’re asked questions around LED bulbs all the time and so we thought that we would compile a handy FAQ guide for our customers.

The FAQ is compiled with some of the most frequently asked questions around LED bulbs for cars, vans or motorcycles.

Let’s get started.

LED Bulbs: The Basics

What Does LED Stand For?

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode and the technology has been around and improving since the early 1950’s.



What LED Bulb Will I Need For My Car?

If you’re unsure what bulbs your vehicle takes then it’s always best to carry out a few checks:

  • Check the vehicle manual
  • Remove the bulbs and check the markings
  • Remove the bulbs, take a picture of them and email them to us
  • Ask the dealership
  • Use our very own car bulb finder

Checking online forums or asking on Reddit might seem like a good idea but you might be getting the wrong information.



What Is A “CANBus Error”?

CANBus errors are a common risk when fitting any LED bulb to your vehicle.

In short, CANBus errors appear on the dashboard when your vehicle thinks there is a fault.

If an error appears even though your bulb is working, a resistor kit may be required.

You can read more about LED CANBus Errors to learn more and how to fix them.



What Resistor Kit Will I Need?

Resistor kits work wonders if you’re experiencing CANBus errors or flickering.

Usually, you will want to purchase a resistor kit that has a higher wattage than the bulb you’re putting in.

Typically, 21W resistor kits will do the trick with most LED upgrade bulbs.



What Application On My Vehicle Can I Upgrade?

If a bulb can be removed, then it can be replaced with an upgrade bulb.

All you need to do is make sure that the replacement car bulbs is for the same application.

For example, if your dipped beam headlights are H7, then any other H7 will fit into the bulb holder.


LED Bulbs: Road Use

Are LED Headlights Any Good?

LED upgrade bulbs within your headlights are exceptional pieces of kit.

The beam pattern is clean, the bulbs can last anywhere between 2 – 12 years and the colour temperature is a consistent 6,000K.

The value for money is definitely there and the only times you will come across horror stories will be:

  • Buying cheap off Amazon, eBay or direct from China
  • Misaligned / fitted incorrectly
  • Websites looking to write an article that will “shock” their readers



Can I Replace My Current Headlights With LED?

Technically, any vehicle can have the bulb upgraded.

Some vehicles might struggle to fit the bulbs due to the access being difficult but that shouldn’t deter you.

Any reputable auto electrician will be able to fit the bulbs for you.



Will The Beam Pattern Be Good For My Headlights?

We test all the bulbs that we sell and the beam pattern is the main check that we run.

You’ll usually have a poor beam pattern if you buy aftermarket bulbs that aren’t from a reputable retailer as their bulbs are usually manufactured quickly and cheaply as possible.



Are Your LED Bulbs Too Bright?

Provided that they are fitted correctly, your LED bulbs won’t blind other road users.

The majority of the time that you get blinded will be going up or down hills, over speed bumps or pot holes.

This won’t be due to faulty bulbs or super-bright LED’s – but simply a natural occurrence.



Can The Colour Temperature Of My Bulb Affect The Brightness?

Yes, depending on the side of the Kelvin colour spectrum you choose will reduce the level brightness.

The brightest colour you can go for is 5000K. As the colour temperature gets higher (8000K or 10,000K) the colour changes to a blue/purple and the brightness is reduced.



Which LED Headlights Are The Best?

Any branded LED bulb will do as long as they come from a reputable manufacturer.

Usually we will advise customers to go for OSRAM, Philips, Ring or Twenty20 as these are the most trusted aftermarket LED manufacturers.


LED Bulbs: Miscellaneous Questions

LED Headlights And MOT’s



Can I Have Blue LED Headlights?



Will LED Bulbs Get Too Hot?


Are Chinese LED Bulbs Bad?




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William Stone
8 years ago

I’m interested in upgrading our ’95 Buick Riviera with LED lights, especially the interior lights first. I have a couple of door panel lights out and one of them is a tiny grain of wheat/rice size filament bulb that is installed directly into the inside door pull and the wire filament that come out the back of the bulb are directly wired/crimped onto the electrical supply wire leading up to it. Do I need a resistor in order to upgrade these miniature bulbs to LED?
Also, do you have any interior LED light kits and/or exterior kits to fit a ’95 Buick Riv ? Thank you

Pete Pearcey
8 years ago

Just fitted a CAN-bus enabled tail/brake light to my new motorbike, only for it to generate a ‘faulty lamp’ warning and overriding other, more important onscreen info. Grrr. (It is nice and bright though!!!)

Andy Lane
9 years ago

I’d just like to say that my partners got a 12 vauxhall corsa and the sidelights are not 501 like your computer says, there the new drl type which are 580 bulbs?