Osram’s Night Breaker Unlimited: Customer Reviews

“They light up the road”writes Tony Bristow and maybe that’s all you need to know about Osram’s Night Breaker – we also think it’s a great bulb doing a brilliant job.

Tony was writing about the H11 Osram Night Breakers he had purchased and also found time to add something about his H1’s “Very good I can c all the road ahead of me.”

When compared to standard halogen lamps we think Night Breakers stand out from the crowd and so does Philip Carpenter who wrote in his review: “Nice white light and excellent coverage of ground in front of you.”

Why are the customers seeing so much more?

The coverage Philip describes is demonstrated in the graphic below which shows how the design of these headlight bulbs provides the driver with better visibility and allows significantly longer response times to the road ahead. The reason being:

  • Up to 110 % more brightness

  • A light cone up to 40 meters longer

  • 20 % whiter light compared to standard halogen lamps

Break the Night

Break the Night

Another reason for choosing these headlight bulbs is their excellent reliability and high light quality. This is due to great colour rendering made possible by the partial cobalt coating of the glass body.

The optimized noble filler gas formula helps with efficient generation of light and the robust filament design adds to the bulb’s longevity, making this car bulb a great investment

Whatever people write we really appreciate customers taking the time to review the products sold at Autobulbs Direct and if you have anything to add about Osram’s Night Breaker then pick your bulbs on this page


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10 years ago

I also have a view on the light output of Philips X-treme Vision (H11) verses Osram Nightbreaker (H11) because I had to replace a failed Philips bulb in a Mk5 Golf GTI.
I changed all four Philips headlight bulbs and he Nightbreakers were clearly better and the current Nightbreaker Unlimited’s are better still.

Autobulbs Direct
10 years ago
Reply to  Ralph


That is really great to hear very interesting comparison as not many people get to see those. Thanks so much for the feedback.


10 years ago

I have upgraded both a Porsche 911 (997) and a Mk 5 Golf GTI from Nightbreaker (Xenon) to Nightbreaker Unlimited (Xenon) and I can thoroughly recommend the upgrade as it is clearly noticeable.

10 years ago

The osram night breaker is good but they do not last very long having replaced 2 sets over the winter I don’t think it is value for money. Now have Philips installed as they have lasted from last winter through this one on my other car

Autobulbs Direct
10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

If they came from us we warranty all our bulbs for a full year so you know your safe from this sort of issue. Do you feel the Philips offer the same vision?

David Wilson
2 months ago
Reply to  Steve

Mine were the same, failed within the year. Replaced by ABD under warranty. Just failed again.

9 years ago

The Osram Nighbreaker is very good when it comes to illuminating the road, however my experience has been that they don’t last as long as I would expect. Having, bought a pair and installed them, one failed within a year, and the second has now also failed at less than 18 months, not good when you have to take the headlight out to change a bulb. I would say though that Autobulbs Direct are excellent as a supplier, they honoured their guarantee, replacing the first failed bulb promptly and without any fuss.

10 years ago

Also, I have upgraded a Porsche 911 (997) using D2S’s from Nightbreaker (HID Xenon) to Nightbreaker Unlimited (HID Xenon) and I noticed no difference whatsoever. I would go so far as to suggest that the name of the HID Xenon range was changed to parallel their Xenon range, but they did not improve the HID Xenon’s.
To be clear, in my experience both Xenon and HID Xenon Nightbreaker Unlimited bulbs are excellent.

10 years ago

Osram Nightbreakers: I fitted these a few months ago and they have transformed my night driving. On main beam they are about the same as my old bulbs (which were fine). But on today’s crowded roads I spend most of my time on dip, and the Osram’s have radically improved things. I can see so much further.
Can’t recommend them highly enough.

Autobulbs Direct
10 years ago
Reply to  Bob

That’s excellent to hear, glad they have help and clearly improved your safety too!

Roland den Roover
10 years ago


I am interested in Osram night breaker.
My car :

Toyota, Auris Hybrid, 1,8 liter, Comfort Break (5 doors), automatique, 2013. I dln’t know how the front headlights look like since I have never replaced them.

Do you have such headlights, if so are these replacement lighbulbs, do I need making modification(s) ?

BR / Roland den Roover

Autobulbs Direct
10 years ago

Of course, this is no problem at all. If you go to our website http://www.autobulbsdirect.co.uk and type in your registration it will bring up the appropriate bulbs for your car. Alternatively you can give us a call on 02380 706548 and we can sort it all out for you! They are very simple to fit and require no modification at all.

7 years ago

I am a big fan of osram having bought their bulbs for almost all of my wife and my cars and motorcycles. I swayed to Phillips to try their new 130 bulb which was outstanding in light output on main beams on my 9-5 saab aero but only lasted 7 months before the first blew. Back now with knight breakers in my mail beam and D1s xenon dip/main both are night breaker DS1 and massive improvement over the stock Phillips they replaced.
I have old set of knight breakers in the wife’s Megan and they have been in almost 5 years and still going strong! Well done osram the range keeps getting better and better. Yet to try the lazer as could not get H7 from my supplier but will give these a go when the two knight breaker unlimited give up. Might be waiting a while. Good bulbs good value why opt for more expensive phillips these are every bit as good.